Monday, September 27, 2010
Notre Dame of General Santos City is a Catholic Institution owned and administered by the Dominican Sisters of
St. Catherine of Siena. It is located in General Santos City. It is committed to provide quality Christian Education to
its students.
We adhere to the following beliefs:
He is our CREATOR and FATHER who abounds in love and mercy.
LIFE is a gift and an act holiness and perfection from a Supreme God, the giver OF ALL THINGS.
MAN is the Masterpiece of God’s creation. He lost God’s friendship when he sinned. Jesus Christ came to lead
him back to the father.
JESUS CHRIST, the Son of God, became man, conceived by the Virgin Mary through the power of the
Holy Spirit. He suffered, died on the cross and rose from the dead to save humankind from sin.
The FATHER sent the HOLY SPIRIT to sanctify, inspire, guide and enlighten man in building God’s kingdom.
We believe that:
EDUCATION is a life-long process whereby man must fully develop his potentials and ultimately find his way back
to his creator.
A CATHOLIC EDUCATION builds philosophy of education in the doctrine of Christ guided by the teachings of the
A Catholic school is a venue where a formal and systematic training in Christian character formation is given to the
student for the purpose of developing to the fullest her intellect and skills necessary for her future services to God
and his fellowmen;
A STUDENT is a child of God, has a unique personality and is endowed with God-given talents;
LEARNING is a process of growth to maturity where a student lives and experiences awareness about God, her own
life and the life of God’s other creatures;
The TEACHERS must both be the medium and the message of reaching out to the student in her search for TRUTH;
The TEACHING VOCATION is the teacher’s commitment to “Live the Gospel.”
As a school in General Santos City, we commit ourselves to be truly;
We work for the formation of dynamic and responsive citizens who will assume leadership in the ever-changing
society especially in the city; that leadership is understood as awareness and responsibility towards our countrymen
imbued with love and appreciation for our Filipino cultural heritage.
We are inspired by the Dominican Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity. It is a continuing search for the
Truth through prayer and assiduous study. The truth is shared to others through proclamation of the gospel and the
actual services to others especially the poor and the needy.
We strongly adhere to the teachings of the Catholic Church. However, there is no discrimination in the admission
of students who want to avail of the quality education the school offers even if they are non- Catholic provided they
can cope with the academic norm of the school and abide by its policies and regulations.
Our Lady, Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is our model of Christian life. We imitate her life of faith and her virtues of
simplicity, purity, modesty and humility. “We have a special devotion to her especially the praying of the rosary.
A Notre Damean as a growing person acquires Christian values with strong sense of service to God, to the community
and to the country and be a great leader/s in his/her had chosen profession.
Our school embodies academic excellence, moral values and social responsibility for a mature Christian living.
We give great importance in the acquisition of basic aptitudes and skills in critical thinking, constructive analysis,
computational skills, oral and written communication in Filipino and English, right sense of values and right attitudes
and habits that will prepare them for college work and for life.
We work for the formation of the graduates to be witnesses to their Christian Faith by their love for the preferential
option for the poor and getting actively involved in the local community of General Santos City.
Notre Dame of General Santos City envisions a:
CHRISTIAN CULTURE where a deeper understanding of Christian faith and moral sense of values are internalized
by the personnel and students/pupil and where dialogue of faith and life is evident.
CHRISTIAN PEOPLE where the students, the personnel, the graduates and the school community are fully human,
live out the Gospel in their personal and professional lives with a strong sense of social responsibility and leadership.
CHRISTIAN OPERATION and SERVICES where the Spirit of Christ permeates its operations and services as
xpressed in its formulated programs, manuals, policies and guidelines.
We, the members of Notre Dame of General Santos City, a Catholic Dominican educational institution, participate
in the evangelizing mission of the Church through Gospel centered education. Inspired by the Ideals of Passion for
Truth and Compassion for Humanity, the missionary spirit of Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo and the Virtues
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we envision a transformed society built on Love, Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation.
Guided by the vision, we will become a model OP-Siena school. In a culture characterized by deeper understanding
of Christian faith, a strong sense of responsible leadership and loving concern for the underserved, we offer innovative
and relevant programs that promote advocacy for life, family values and Filipino culture for the formation of
academically competent, integral and service-oriented citizens who are authentic witnesses of Truth.
Inspired by our Vision and in keeping with our VISION-MISSION STATEMENT, we commit to the TASKS of
CHRISTIAN CULTURE by intensifying the implementation of the programs of dissemination, Internalization and
Translation of the School’s Philosophy and Objectives.
CHRISTIAN PEOPLE by providing the personnel a comprehensive and a well-balanced Personnel Formation program.
Directing the entire educational program towards producing graduate who will uphold their Christian faith as they
respond to new demands of Philippines and global society in their preparation for college and for life.
Intensifying the implementation of on-going Student Formation program and Community Extension Service program.
CHRISTIAN SCHOOL OPERATION AND SERVICES by implementing an on-going Administrative Development
Program (SSDC) which will monitor the planning, implementing and evaluation of the schools programs and
activities in keeping the school’s beliefs, goals and purposes.
He / She is a growing man/woman with deep faith in God like Mary, he/she executes simplicity, purity, modesty
and humility. He/she is a leader and achiever. His/her life is lived as a witness to the actualization of his/her
knowledge and skills in the services of his/her family, his/her community and his/her country.
Notre Dame of General Santos City subscribes to the goals of Catholic Education expressed in one of the documents
of Vatican Council II and summed up in the following passage from the Declaration of Christian Education.
“Every man of whatever race, condition and age is endowed with the dignity of a person, has an inalienable right to
an education corresponding to his proper destiny and suited to his native talents, his sex, his cultural background and
ancestral heritage. At the same time, this education paves the way to brotherly associations with other people so that
genuine unity and peace may be promoted. For a true education aims at the formation of the human person with
respect to his ultimate goal, and simultaneously with respect to the good of those societies of which as man he is a
member and in whose responsibilities as an adult he will share.”
Being a Dominican Catholic institution of learning, the school aims to realize this through an education that would
enable the students:
1. To reach their ultimate goal by an earnest quest and love for TRUTH through prayer and assiduous study,
thereby love and serve God and lead a full Christian life so that they may become authentic witnesses
of the kingdom.
2. To acquire self-discipline, strong moral sense of value and various knowledge and skills in order to become
useful citizens of the country who are responsive to the demands of the global and Philippine society.
3. To aim for academic excellence corresponding to their God-given talents, potentials and aptitudes that will
prepare them for higher level of academic work and for life.
At the end of the four-year secondary course, NDGSC aims to graduate students who are:
1. Practicing Catholics who possess a deeper knowledge of basic Christian doctrines.
2. Living witnesses to the life of faith, modesty and simplicity of Our Lady, the Blessed Mother.
3. Truly Filipino who love and appreciate the Filipino culture, customs and traditions; who know their rights
and responsibilities as lawful citizens.
4. Physically fit, morally strong and refined in manners and language.
5. Academically prepared for higher level of learning as shown in their ability to think critically, to analyze
constructively, to clarify their reactions, impressions and experiences and to express their ideas fluently
in both oral and written communications in Filipino and English.
6. Committed t the care of Creation especially promotion and protection of life, and Filipino family values
and environment.
7. Equipped with knowledge, aptitudes and interests geared toward a wise choice of career or vocation.
8. Competent, creative and resourceful in improving their status in life through gainful self-employment.
9. Constantly growing in their social awareness and responsibility as seen in their active love for the poor and t
he lowly.
10. Endowed with a strong sense of responsibility and leadership.
After 6 years of holistic and integral formation, NDGSC, in the light of its Philosophy and Objectives, aims to graduate
pupils who:
1. Possess the knowledge of basic Christian doctrine and live the life of faith received in baptism.
2. Are followers of the Blessed Virgin Mary in their faith, simplicity and modesty?
3. Show in their behavior and attitude love of country, its history, folkways and landmarks.
4. Are equipped with the proper attitudes and values which will enable them to assume leadership and accept
responsibility as young citizens of the country.
5. Show in their lives acts of sharing and concern for need of others especially the poor.
6. Grow in their respect for the people in general and their family and elders in particular.
7. Are physically and morally strong; clean and orderly in their person and refined in their language and
8. Are equipped with necessary skills and knowledge for the continuing learning experience in the high school
l level through mastery of the basic skills in mathematics, reading, writing and speaking in Filipino and

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